My attention was drawn via my Facebook page to an article showing the true grit, courage and determination of one of Zimbabwe's top policemen to stop the rampant spread of democracy in that country. His name, for those who are keen to remember such details of this 'hero' is Superintendent Makedenge. This is his brave story, as quoted from
ZIMBABWE - HARARE - Lawyers have been told that Superintendent Makedenge and his Harare central police station law and order department henchmen assaulted a two year-old baby using cruel torture techniques that were meant to induce a confession from the mother.
A two year old baby is among political detainees held in the filthy Chikurubi female remand prison.
Lawyers were allowed access to the female activists on Monday, ZimDaily can reveal, but were denied client-lawyer privileges.
The mother told a team of lawyers that went to Chikurubi that the two-year-old baby was assaulted by the goon squad and needed urgent medical attention which has been denied, even in prison.
No prison doctor has been availed to the opposition and rights activist that were sent back to Chikurubi after appearing in court yesterday...
The story continues, but I think the essence of Supt. Makedenge's brave and selfless act is captured in the above.How will we honour this brave fighter who single-handedly, with just the help of his fellow officers managed to face down this deadly two year old?
Supt Makedenge, I want to meet you so that I can give you what you deserve. A thousand- times over.
If anyone shares my dream of meeting the brave Makedenge, form an orderly queue.