Available for sale as a greetings card, laminated print, mounted print, Canvas print or framed print from here.
I do apologise to the handful of you who read blog for my failure to post since January 2nd. There is a good reason: I was too lazy.
I have spent weeks procrastination about which online 'showcase I will sign up to so as to display and hopefully sell, some of my photographs. In the end, I decided to sign up with two, deviant art and redbubble.

Hopefully a more "gritty" image of this much photographed landmark.
Available for sale in various sizes and guises here.
Of the two, redbubble seems to offer the better finished product - and a generally more mature membership; its more serious. I have so far found deviant art to be rather "high school", but we'll have to see. I am only using its non-subscriber service until such time as (if) I feel its worth spending the money to sign up. Its all about costs and benefits.
I have so far sold (Thanks mate- you know who you are) one photograph through Redbubble (It will be slow to build up sales) and have made, wait for it, a profit of £7.20 - which is my 20% mark-up over cost price. So I will not be buying my Dutch barge any time soon :-)

This stylised image is of the hoarding that surrounds the dock where the Cutty Sark is being restored in Greenwich. It was one of those "white sky" days, so I gave it a subtle tweak in Photoshop!!
Available for sale here.
What I have little doubt tat I will be doing in the fullness of time is signing up to SmugMug's pro service. But I need cash and want to be selling only my very best 12-25 Megapixel Tiffs from there. Those photographs will be obscenely expensive and in very limited issue.
Work is a bit slow at the moment - typical of this time of year but I do have a few jobs that I'm churning through with a couple of other potential opportunities in the offing.
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